The kitchen was new and big, with a view to a small garden. We started by putting some pieces of chicken in t
he oven and then I cleaned and cut some potatoes. I fried them while Ion boiled some pasta. After having fried the potatoes and boiled the pasta he suggested putting the pasta in the pan with the fried oil (this is actually an old fashion way to cook pasta in Greece). I didn't really like the idea (too much cholesterol!) but I didn't feel comfortable to say no, so he went on trying it. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed because by the time he placed the pan with the fried oil on the gas-ring it flamed up! We were shocked and for some seconds we were just standing there and looking at it! We stopped the fire by covering the pan with a top. We opened all the windows but was already late so the fire-alarm started ringing.
Ion, being new in this house (just his 2nd day he had moved in!) had no idea of how to turn off the fire-alarm but fortunately it automatically stopped before him calling his flatmate to ask about it. Later on, while I was cleaning the kitchen, and the cupboards from the black dust of the fire, I found out the the fan was not working anymore. I opened it to check and I saw this: (photo : melted fan)
Inspite of all this unexpeced experience we had a nice meal around the dinner table in the living room, with normally cooked pasta, chicken, potatoes, bread, bears to drink and chocolate brownies for dessert.
The house was very big, normally there live 3 people (Ion, and two more men). During that weekend his flatmates where not in the house. Jon had a bedroom on the second floor with a large double bed. I slept in the living room on the 1st floor on the sofa.
Inspite of all this unexpeced experience we had a nice meal around the dinner table in the living room, with normally cooked pasta, chicken, potatoes, bread, bears to drink and chocolate brownies for dessert.
The house was very big, normally there live 3 people (Ion, and two more men). During that weekend his flatmates where not in the house. Jon had a bedroom on the second floor with a large double bed. I slept in the living room on the 1st floor on the sofa.