The week after Chester I went to Bilbao where I stayed for 5 nights. There I didn't take photos of me sleeping I rather asked from the person that hosted me in his house to present me his home and record in any way his presentation. He made a video, he took some photographs of the house and he drew a plan of it. I was interested to see how does someone present his private space, what he chose to present and how. What is important and what is not important in this space.
Monday, 22 June 2009
In Bilbao - 15-19 May 2009
The week after Chester I went to Bilbao where I stayed for 5 nights. There I didn't take photos of me sleeping I rather asked from the person that hosted me in his house to present me his home and record in any way his presentation. He made a video, he took some photographs of the house and he drew a plan of it. I was interested to see how does someone present his private space, what he chose to present and how. What is important and what is not important in this space.